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Estate Planning Doesn't Have to be Intimidating 608-292-5185

Grieving Children Wish Mom Had an Estate Plan


Legal experts say estate planning doesn't have to be complicated or costly.

When a parent dies somewhat unexpectedly, adult children may be overcome by grief. However, they then may become overwhelmed by frustration.

It’s almost too difficult to mourn right now—because the family can be too busy trying to take care of her estate.

This time can be especially hard, if the recently departed parent failed to leave a will, a trust or any estate planning whatsoever.

The recent article published on WSAV’s website entitled “Family warns others to not put off estate planning” says that in one instance, the family was forced to leave their mom while she was dying in the hospice to try and organize the paperwork done for her estate.

An estate plan is a guide for your family. A good estate plan will include not only a will, but also a health care power of attorney and a living will.

Work with an experienced estate planning attorney and try even harder to get everyone to the table to discuss the issues.

One way to approach aging parents, is to say “You are helping me, if you could write this down.”

Many regret not taking action sooner to save stress and energy.

“You have every emotion you could ever have, because you are about to lose your loved one and you have to deal with everything else on top of it,” one woman commented.

Because many families are caught off guard and unprepared when incapacity or death strikes, don’t wait until it’s too late for you and your family. We invite you to request an estate planning consultation with one of our experienced, Madison area estate planning attorneys.

ReferenceWSAV (February 26, 2019) “Family warns others to not put off estate planning”

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